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O’Sullivan Estate Lawyers
in the Media

O’Sullivan Estate Lawyers in the Media

The Toronto-based trust and estate lawyers at O’Sullivan Estate Lawyers are regularly sought by reporters, editors, as well as TV and radio producers for their thought leadership, opinions and analysis of important and topical trust and estate issues which impact families in wealth succession and planning.

They are also regular columnists for The Lawyer’s Daily, published by LexisNexis, one of Canada’s most important publications for the legal profession, as well as Advisor’s Edge, published by Newcom. The firm is also a member of Mondaq, and has a robust listing of articles which are distributed through the Mondaq Global Network, with more than 1 million members worldwide, including lawyers, accountants, as well as C-suite executives and business owners.

Avoiding the tax bill on U.S. securities

Many clients will live in what they think is a safe Canadian domestic bubble when they own U.S. securities. They would be surprised to find out that their investments may attract U.S. estate tax as high as 40 per cent when they die.

Choosing an executor: Who’s in charge?

Making the choice of who will be your executor or advising clients on this issue is pivotal in the estate planning process. Here are key considerations in choosing executors.

Top estate and personal tax planning lawyers in Toronto

Margaret R. O’Sullivan is a managing partner at O’Sullivan Estate Lawyers LLP. She practices exclusively estate planning and is considered among Canada’s top estate and personal tax planning lawyers. Her firm provides estate planning, administration and litigation services to high-net-worth clients in Toronto.

Inconsistent definitions of common law spouse affect estate, family law

Do you know who your spouse is? This is not a question anyone might expect to be asked, but the definition of common law spouse varies between provinces and between different laws within provinces. It is overdue for Ontario, and other provinces, to review their laws governing common law spouses’ rights on relationship breakdown and death.

Owning international real estate can result in multiple taxation on death

Shopping for and buying real estate in another country can be fun. It can be the reward for creating and divesting a successful business or making smart investments. But there’s a catch: double or triple taxation can arise, depending on the jurisdiction. This is an important issue that is not often addressed in estate planning.

Choosing Your Executors

An executor “executes” your will, carrying out the terms of your will and administering your estate.

Les testaments en ligne gagnent en popularité

Margaret O’Sullivan, managing partner of O’Sullivan Estate Lawyers in Toronto, said before the pandemic that she noticed that wills were getting more complicated due to situations such as mixed marriages and mixed families.