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O’Sullivan Estate Lawyers
in the Media

O’Sullivan Estate Lawyers in the Media

The Toronto-based trust and estate lawyers at O’Sullivan Estate Lawyers are regularly sought by reporters, editors, as well as TV and radio producers for their thought leadership, opinions and analysis of important and topical trust and estate issues which impact families in wealth succession and planning.

They are also regular columnists for The Lawyer’s Daily, published by LexisNexis, one of Canada’s most important publications for the legal profession, as well as Advisor’s Edge, published by Newcom. The firm is also a member of Mondaq, and has a robust listing of articles which are distributed through the Mondaq Global Network, with more than 1 million members worldwide, including lawyers, accountants, as well as C-suite executives and business owners.

Should I stay or should I go: When to decline acting as executor

Although your loved one may have thought you were the best person for the job, you are not bound by any legal obligation to accept your appointment as executor. In some cases, it may even be better if you don’t act. In deciding whether or not you want to act as an executor, first and foremost you should be honest with yourself about whether you have the time, energy and ability that will be needed to properly fulfil your role as an executor.

Why you need an estate lawyer

If you want to ensure your dying wishes are carried out – and that should be all of us, says Margaret O’Sullivan, an estate planning lawyer at O’Sullivan Estate Lawyers LLP – you probably want a lawyer with a specialized practice to help you come up with an estate plan.

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Domestic contracts across borders

It may come as a surprise to individuals moving to Ontario that a marriage contract or cohabitation agreement (referred to in this article collectively as a “domestic contract”) executed in their home jurisdiction no longer works.

Four Ways of Charitable Giving

People support charities for a variety of reasons, with the types of charities and the amount and frequency of gifts dependent on each person’s financial and personal circumstances. When you add in the complexity of the various ways to donate and relevant tax and non-tax considerations for each method, it can quickly become challenging to figure out which charities to benefit, the way in which to donate, the timing of donations, and the level of control to retain over those donations.

Importance of integrity when providing trust and estate advice

What do we mean when we say that a professional estate adviser has “integrity”? I would like to think it means someone who is an ethics leader, has the complete trust and respect of clients and colleagues, who sets the tone of conduct and standards for his or her peers; and who does not compromise principle due to a firmly entrenched ethical framework.

First create a will, then keep it updated

Making a will is only the first step, though. Ensuring your will is kept up to date can often prove challenging.

When it’s time for a trust to follow beneficiaries south

In the estate context, it’s not easy dealing with trusts where U.S. beneficiaries are involved. U.S. beneficiaries can seriously complicate an estate plan, particularly regarding ongoing trusts. This article discusses the potential for migrating a Canadian trust to the U.S. where the trust has U.S. beneficiaries.