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Toronto Ontario Estate Law Blog
Integrating Life Insurance in The Estate Plan: The Need for an Holistic Approach
One of the interesting changes in our modern age when it comes to succession on death is that for many people, most of what they pass to their family and others will not be through their will, but instead by a “will substitute” such as life insurance. Many persons have
The New Normal: Assisting a Child with Buying a Home
A current trend in the increasingly expensive Canadian housing market is parents helping children or grandchildren and their spouses with a down payment or mortgage on a first home. In Ontario, about 35% of people buying homes now receive assistance from their relatives with a down payment and approximately 38%
Navigating Multi-Jurisdictional Probate
In March of this year, I wrote about the complications which can arise in administering an estate of an individual who owns a vacation home in a U.S. state such as Florida or Arizona. In that blog, I discussed issues in estate administration which arise from the multi-jurisdictional location of
The Common Reporting Standard – What’s in Store
July 1, 2017 is not only Canada’s 150th birthday and a cause for great celebration, which we are eagerly looking forward to. It is also the date that Canadian financial institutions must have in place appropriate procedures to provide information to Canada Revenue Agency on financial accounts held by non-residents
Keeping Things Up-To-Date
Putting estate planning documents in place can be a daunting task, but it does not end there. Estate planning is an organic process that requires ongoing attention and revision. Circumstances in your life will continue to change and your main objective is to ensure that your wishes and intentions are
The New Non-Resident Speculation Tax and Estate Planning and Administration: What You Need to Know
The Ministry of Finance recently introduced a 15% tax on the purchase or acquisition of a residential property in the Greater Golden Horseshoe by individuals who are not citizens or permanent residents of Canada or by foreign corporations or taxable trustees. The new Non-Resident Speculation Tax (“NRST”) is in addition
The Principal Residence and Capital Gains Tax – New Rules, New Pitfalls
Most taxpayers know that when you sell an asset which has increased in value, the federal Income Tax Act provides that you will generally be liable for capital gains tax on the net increase in value, unless there is an applicable exemption. One exemption from capital gains tax is for
Tax Reform Revealed: Will the U.S. Become the Best Next Tax Haven?
On April 26, 2017, with great fan-fare, the White House announced bold proposals for tax reform, the primary objective of which is to stimulate economic growth. These reforms could be a real game-changer if they succeed in creating new jobs, fuelling economic expansion, and making the U.S. more competitive –
Safekeeping of Original Estate Planning Documents: Hard Copies are Hard to Replace
It is becoming more and more the “norm” in many areas of day-to-day life that in lieu of an original paper copy of a document being given to us during some form of transaction or interaction, the document is instead created and sent to us digitally. Consider for example car
Multiple Taxation on Death: The Taxpayer’s Nightmare
With increasing globalization of people and their assets, a growing and often hidden threat is multiple taxation on death. Different countries tax in different ways on death, and when those laws collide, the same assets can be exposed to double and even triple tax or more. Some countries tax the

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Learn more about:
- Estate planning for High Net Worth
- Cross-border and multijurisdictional matters
- Incapacity planning
- Representative mandates from clients
- And more…