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Toronto Ontario Estate Law Blog
Powers of Attorney Disputes and Remedies: Something’s Got to Give
The unfortunate reality is that when it comes to incapable persons, and the Ontario processes to deal with disputes and rights enforcement for them, none of the available processes are without flaws. Even with good planning, substitute decision-makers can disagree with each other or medical professionals regarding the best treatment
Heads Up On “Shacking” Up
Whether it’s a first relationship for a millennial or a second or subsequent relationship for others including baby boomers and seniors, these days more and more couples are choosing to live common law rather than marrying. According to a 2017 census, 21.3% of all couples in Canada were living common
2020 Vision: Creating a Family Contingency Plan
With the start of a new year and a new decade, we tend to focus more than usual on important personal goals and objectives. One goal to consider is creating a family contingency plan. Your plan can be short and simple, or lengthy and detailed. In brief, it entails creating
Tune Up for Twenty Twenty
The end of one year and the beginning of another is a good time to reflect, recharge, and take stock. Even if you don’t celebrate the new year January 1st, it is also a good time to feel grateful for what you were able to complete and make resolutions about
Death in a Digital Age
Your digital assets include everything from your smart phone and Amazon accounts to your social media accounts and web-based banking applications. The Uniform Access to Digital Assets by Fiduciaries Act (2016), as described below, defines a digital asset as “a record that is created, recorded, transmitted or stored in digital
Getting Ready for the New Trust Reporting and Disclosure Rules
In a previous blog, “The Movement to Transparency and the Erosion of Privacy” we wrote about the global move to greater transparency by government and taxing authorities which they claim is necessary to combat money laundering and tax evasion. As part of that agenda which the government asserts is necessary
Change, It Is A-coming: Update on Estate Administration Tax
The current Ontario Government has implemented a couple of changes to the calculation of Estate Administration Tax (“EAT”, often called probate fees) and the process for EAT refunds which are due to take effect January 1st. It has promised further changes to the deadlines for filing an Estate Information Return
Heading South For The Winter? Don’t Forget Your Powers of Attorney
As colder weather approaches, Ontario snowbirds will start flocking to warmer climates. According to a 2018 study commissioned by The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service, close to 500,000 Canadian snowbirds spend their winters in Florida. Arizona and California are also popular destinations. Many, if not most, will arrange health insurance in
Bridging the Common Law-Civil Law Succession Divide
For those of us who live and work in a common law world, it is hard to imagine that we are by far the minority. Most of the world is governed by a civil law regime, customary law or religious law. Continental Europe, Russia, China, Japan, South America, Mexico and
Beneficial Ownership Disclosure: Only the Latest Hit
People often wish to ensure confidentiality in doing their estate planning as an important goal. A trust is a common vehicle to do so, since court probate processes, which have been around for centuries, are public and once a will is probated it becomes a public document. The current government

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- Estate planning for High Net Worth
- Cross-border and multijurisdictional matters
- Incapacity planning
- Representative mandates from clients
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