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Author: O'Sullivan Estate Lawyers

So You Don’t Want to Be a U.S. Citizen?

Statistics tell us that the number of U.S. citizens who expatriated from, or renounced, their U.S. citizenship has risen dramatically in the past few years. A big part of this rise has to do with increasingly onerous U.S. income tax filing and reporting obligations, combined with scrutiny of foreign accounts

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A New Protective Regime for an Aging Society?

If you have a child or spouse, you may be surprised to learn that you have no automatic right to manage their property should they become incapable and unable to make decisions unaided. Capable adults in Ontario can make a continuing power of attorney for property to allow one or

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Fiduciary Accounting – Slicing the Pie Without Causing Indigestion

Transparency has become a powerful discussion point in recent years. A lack of corporate financial transparency has arguably been the cause of many modern major financial crises and corporate bankruptcies. Whether you agree with this view or not, transparency is a hot-button issue, both socially and politically. Lack of transparency

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Paying for What You Get: General Considerations for Compensating Executors, Trustees and Attorneys

One aspect of estate planning which is often not considered is how executors, trustees and attorneys should be compensated. Yet compensation claims are a frequent matter of contention and resentment, create disputes between executors, trustees, attorneys and beneficiaries, and can even result in litigation. Common scenarios include the executor, trustee

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Tax, Tax and More Tax: Probate Fee Planning for Extra-Jurisdictional Assets

If you’ve been following the recent Federal Budget changes to testamentary trust taxation, the proposed (but now defeated) Ontario Budget with its increased taxes on higher-income earners, tobacco and airplane fuel, and the recent changes to the Ontario Estate Administration Tax Act (see my December, 2012 blog “The New Ontario

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Congratulations to Margaret O’Sullivan, the recipient of the 2013 Ontario Bar Association Award of Excellence in Trusts and Estates Law!

Every year, the Trusts and Estates Section of the Ontario Bar Association (OBA) presents the Award of Excellence to recognize exceptional contributions and/or achievements by members of the OBA to the area of wills, trusts and estates. The criteria for the Award of Excellence are as follows: the recipient shall

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Planning for Personal Care Issues – the Empowering Journey

Everyone knows about the shift in demographics in our society. People are living longer; it is estimated that one in ten Canadians born today will live to be 100! An aging population puts financial strains on individual, corporate and government resources, trying to keep up with unexpected demands and unplanned-for

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