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Author: Margaret O'Sullivan

Keeping Your Estate Plan Healthy with Periodic Check-Ups

Your estate plan may only be truly up-to-date the day you sign your estate planning documents. This statement no doubt may dismay you and perhaps be unwelcome, in particular given the effort, time and expense that goes into preparing wills, trusts and powers of attorney. The reality is that our

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Moving to the U.S. and Retirement Plans

Persons emigrating from Canada are deemed to have sold all of their property, with some exceptions such as real estate in Canada and retirement plans, for fair market value proceeds and are subject to tax on any resulting gains. Once resident in another country, a person may be subject to

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Leaving Wealth Well to the Next Generation and Beyond

From time to time in the news we read about wealthy celebrities and business magnates who have publicly stated that their offspring should not expect to receive any sizeable inheritance upon the parent’s death. In recent years, these pronouncements have come from a variety of people including Sting, Warren Buffett,

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Estate Planning Considerations for Blended Families

Blended families have become common, raising additional complexity for estate planning primarily due to differences in family dynamics and objectives. A failure to take these differences into account often leads to acrimony and disputes, which may irreparably damage family relations and thwart the estate plan. To minimize disputes and to

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Dispute-Proofing Your Estate Plan

It’s common knowledge that we are at the leading edge of an avalanche of wealth transfer. Baby boomers in increasing numbers are heading into their retirement years and beyond. The succession of capital that will occur is unprecedented. In the recent past, we’ve also seen higher average annual divorce rates

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The Importance of Updating your Affairs on Separation and Divorce

Updating your estate plan on separation and divorce in a timely manner is critical in order to avoid unintended results, possible later disputes, and even litigation. The following highlights some of the most common concerns, as well as precautions to take. Wills Generally, in Ontario the Succession Law Reform Act

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